Farnborough OBG FC

Match Report

Saturday 22nd October 2005

Third XI
0 - 1
Beaverwood Res.

By Darren Chalker

Oh how typical.

We follow a good performance against a half decent team with a poor performance against a not quite as good team. To be honest I could personally see it coming after last week''s game. Then arriving at the ground and seeing that we had a new(ish) kit, the nets were up and we were on one of the best pitches in Kent, I just knew we wouldn''t match it all with a good performance!!

We went into the game with a change of formation, playing 3 at the back, 4 in midfield and 3 upfront. I don''t personally think the formation was to blame, more the fact that 3 or 4 players underperformed.

The first half was very poor from a Farnborough viewpoint, in fact I can''t remember the goal (confessional note from the IT officer: Thank goodness for that, it was my man that scored it!) and certainly can''t remember any positives.

The second half we did play slightly better and possibly deserved a point, which we nearly got in the last couple of minutes, the keeper denying first myself then Sticky, but a draw really would have masked over how poor we were.

In fact the game had so few points of interest that I can''t even criticise Ivor, which is shocking and personally very upsetting. He did twist his ankle in the first half but that was through the collossal weight he puts on it.

This week it''s the cup, so a chance to get this game out of our system before we play another league game.

No Paul Parsons again, which is an obvious blow, and this week Todd is away, which again is a blow. That''s our two on field motivational type players unavailable (another note from the IT officer: what about me and Steve? Right that''s it Chalks, you can keep your old photo for another week), so each player will be responsible for lifting themselves and the person next to them. By completely ignoring Ivor your game will improve 100%, so bear that in mind when he starts gobbing off, which he will (there I sneaked a dig in, I feel a lot better now).

See you on Saturday ladies.